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New Funding Opportunities for Digital Skills Projects 

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New Funding Opportunities for Digital Skills Projects

In order to reach the ambitious Digital Decade targets and fast track Europe’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Union will invest billions of Euro to support new digital upskilling and reskilling programmes that will develop the digital competencies of individuals and organisations throughout Europe.   

Funding for digital skills projects will be delivered across multiple EU programmes and instruments including the Digital Europe Programme, Erasmus+, Horizon Europe, the Recovery & Resilience Facility, and many more EU and National funding streams.    

Given this unprecedented level of EU investment in Digital, there has never been a better time to develop your digital skills project idea or scale up a successful initiative.   

Funding Opportunities - open for application 

Interested in kick starting your digital skills project or finding new sources of funding for your organisation? We have selected several Funding Opportunities that are open for applications right now!   

The open call aims to bring together enterprises and both - higher education and vocational training providers - to foster innovation, new skills, a sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mindsets.

Deadline: 7 September 2021.   
Beneficiaries: Higher education institutions,VET, providers, SMEs, research institutes, NGOs, 
public bodies at local, regional or national level, organisations active in education, training and youth, 
economic development agencies and others. 

The Alliances should seek to tackle skills gaps on the labour market that hamper growth, innovation and competitiveness in specific sectors or areas, aiming both - short term interventions and long-term strategies. 

Deadline: 7 September 2021. 
Beneficiaries: Vocational education and training (VET) and higher education (HE) organisations, 
labour market actors, SMEs, NGOs, public bodies at local, regional and national levels, 
chambers of commerce, employment offices and others. 

The open call supports the establishment and development of European platforms of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs).

Deadline: 7 September 2021.  
Beneficiaries: VET providers, Companies, industry or sector representative organisations, 
National/regional qualification authorities, Research institutes, Innovation agencies, 
Regional development authorities. 

Projects under this call will contribute to the digital skills development of professionals in the open and data-intensive science sector by creating new support material, curricula and learning pathways.

Deadline: 23 September 2021. 
Industry - field of education and training: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)  

Projects under this call will investigate the impacts of emerging technologies (e.g., AI, machine learning, blockchain, big data, IoT), robotisation and digitalization on labour markets and business models and provide recommendations on training paths.

Deadline: 21 October 2021.  
Industry - field of education and training: Generic programmes and qualifications 

Find Project Partners & Prepare Proposals  

Do you want to find European partners and participate in these calls?  Just use the Comments feature below to submit a short profile and link to your Organisation Listing on the platform, indicating the calls for proposal you are most interested in and your desired role in the project. 

Potential partners can simply reply to your comment and you can connect offline to start a collaboration!   

Best of luck with your proposals!