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In the 2024 edition of the Digital Decade report, France has achieved 59.7% basic digital skills coverage, slightly higher than the EU average of 55.6%. This puts France at 74.6% of the overall target for the EU 2030 goal, which aims to have 80% of the EU population possessing at least basic digital skills despite an annual degrowth of 1.9% from the previous year. 

According to the Digital Decade report 2024, France performs slightly worse than the EU average in the percentage of ICT specialists in employment. It has has not surpassed the EU average, increasing from 4.3% to 4.7% (EU average - 4.8%).

State strategies in France include the Strategie du numérique pour l'éducation 2023-2027, which aims to strengthen students' digital skills and accelerate the use of digital tools in education. The national strategy for artificial intelligence focuses on positioning France as a leader in AI and provides funding for research, development, and training initiatives. The France 2030 initiative allocates a significant investment of 54 billion euros to support the transitions of companies, schools, universities, and research organizations. 

Under national initiatives, the French Recovery and Resilience plan focuses on digital transition, investing in critical digital technologies, digitalization of education, and the development of high-speed broadband networks.

At least basic digital skills (% of individuals aged 16-74)
EU average score: 55.6
France score: 59.7
55.6 EU average score
59.7 Country score
20 40

France ranks 12th out of the 27 EU Member States in the DESI dashboard for the Digital Decade for the 'At least basic digital skills' indicator, with 59.7% of its population possessing at least basic digital skills.

The latest trends in digital skills in France