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In the 2022 Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), Germany ranks sixteenth among EU member states for human capital, slightly below the EU average. Basic digital skills are slightly lower, but ICT specialists exceed the EU average. Around 49% have basic digital skills, 65% have content creation skills, and female ICT specialists make up 19% of the workforce. Germany lacks a national digital skills and jobs coalition but has various state and federal initiatives

The National Continuing Education Strategy aims to increase participation in further training, especially for low-skilled individuals, with a focus on digital skills. The Federal Government's Digital Strategy outlines projects to improve digitization across different sectors and provide digital education opportunities.  

The recovery and resilience plan includes investments in microelectronics, cloud infrastructures, online education platforms, and digital skills for teachers and the military. The "Building Continuing Education and Training Networks" program supports training for SME employees. Educational centres of excellence are launched under the leadership of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and in cooperation with the Lände 

The Digital Pact for Schools aims to invest in modern digital educational infrastructure with a budget of EUR 5 billion between 2019 and 2024. As of 2022, around EUR 985 million has been invested in schools. 

Score in DESI Report Human Capital
EU average score: 48.45
Germany score: 45.0
48.45 EU average score
45.0 Country score
20 35

Germany ranks 16th in Human Capital out of 27 EU Member States in the 2022 edition of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), with a score of 45.0.

The latest trends in digital skills in Germany