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Digital services have become crucial for both business and the public sector, bringing huge benefits. At the same time, our vulnerability to cyber threats and attacks is increasing. In 2019, the Cyber Range was inaugurated at RISE, a facility and testbed for digital security where companies and organisations can test their digital systems in a controlled environment to identify weaknesses before the systems are implemented.

Sweden’s first cybersecurity testing and demo environment is located in Kista. Rise Cyber Range is aimed at companies and the public sector and is funded and supported by Vinnova and ICT Sweden. Minister of Economic Affairs Ibrahim Baylan, Director General of Vinnova Darja Isaksson and RISE CEO Pia Sandvik and others participated in the inauguration.

Pia Sandvik, CEO of RISE, believes that Sweden has a strong position when it comes to digitalisation and that Swedes are among the most tech-savvy in the world. In order to translate this into enhanced competitiveness and an efficient public administration, we also need to be particularly good at cybersecurity. Here, RISE and their new Cyber Range can make a big difference, as they have the skills and resources to help businesses and organisations.

The project runs from September 2019 to August 2023.

Watch the film about the project here!

About the test bed

Cyber Range is a test bed operated by RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden), which offers a controlled virtual environment to develop and ensure stable and secure IT systems. Companies and organisations can test new components in their systems to identify weaknesses and ensure that both technology and organizational routines work optimally.

The target group of RISE Cyber Range includes both industry and the public sector. Small and medium-sized enterprises, which often lack their own resources and infrastructure to carry out such tests, can benefit greatly from this. The new facility in Kista makes it easier to provide cybersecurity testing and demo environments to customers and partners. In addition, it serves as a place for skills development and training, where expertise is readily available.

At the initial stage, the focus is on offering interested customers and partners training and test runs in the test bed. Rise’s cybersecurity team consists of a core group of around 20 people, as well as additional experts in various areas of activity such as transport, health and digital infrastructure. This combination of technology and domain experts creates great opportunities for development and collaboration.

Cyber Range is initially run as a three-year project, funded by Vinnova (Sweden’s Innovation Agency), RISE and ICT Sweden. This initiative will help strengthen cybersecurity for both businesses and the public sector, thus creating a safer digital infrastructure for all.

What is included

Cyber Range offers a range of cybersecurity services and resources to help companies and organisations ensure that their digital systems are secure and protected against threats. Here are some of the most important services that Cyber Range offers:

  1. Cyber security training and evaluation in a security-rated environment: Cyber Range provides a controlled and secure environment where companies and organisations can train and evaluate their cybersecurity actions and practices. This provides the opportunity to identify and remedy any shortcomings and weaknesses in the systems.
  2. Safety testing of products and services: Cyber Range offers testing of digital products and services to ensure they are protected against potential cyber threats and attacks. This helps companies and organisations to ensure that their products and services are robust and safe for their users.
  3. Testing of digital twins in a specific sector: Cyber Range can create and test digital twins, which means they can simulate and analyse digital systems in a particular sector to identify and solve any security issues.
  4. Cybersecurity research projects: Cyber Range participates in and supports research projects related to cybersecurity. This helps to develop new technologies and solutions to improve cybersecurity across different industries and sectors.
  5. Certification of products under the EU Cybersecurity Act: Cyber Range can help companies and organisations to certify their products under the EU Cybersecurity Act. This ensures that products meet the high safety standards set in the EU and gives companies a competitive advantage in the market.

Why is this a good example?

Rise Cyber Range is expected to have a significant impact on Sweden’s ability to protect its digital landscape and strengthen the country’s position as a leading player in cybersecurity. By building expertise and excellence in the field, Cyber Range will contribute to Sweden becoming an important player in the EU’s cybersecurity strategy and increasing the capacity for digital security in Swedish public and private organisations.

Some of the expected effects and results from RISE Cyber Range include:

  1. Increasing cybersecurity skills and expertise: By offering education, research and collaboration, Cyber Range will help build and improve cybersecurity skills in Sweden, enabling companies and organisations to effectively manage and prevent cyber threats.
  2. Improving digital security for Swedish organisations: By offering security testing and certification, Cyber Range will help improve digital security for public and private organisations in Sweden. This, in turn, will reduce the risk of cyberattacks and strengthen the country’s digital infrastructure.
  3. Strengthening international research cooperation: Rise Cyber Range has the potential to attract international research collaboration, especially in future cybersecurity programmes through the EU Defense Fund and the Digital Europe programme. This will help strengthen Sweden’s role as a global leader in cybersecurity and create opportunities for further innovation and cooperation.
  4. Contributing to the EU Cybersecurity Strategy: By offering cybersecurity expertise and resources, Cyber Range will help Sweden become an important player in the EU’s cybersecurity strategy. This will strengthen the EU’s ability to address and prevent cyber threats at a continental level.

In conclusion, RISE Cyber Range will have a significant impact on Sweden’s position as a leading player in cybersecurity, both nationally and internationally. By offering expertise, resources and collaboration, Cyber Range will help protect and strengthen Sweden’s digital landscape and support the country’s role in the EU’s cybersecurity strategy.

The project as it stands will be completed in August 2023.

The project has been supported by Vinnova.

Picture: Pixabay©

Good practice details

Target audience
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
Digital technology / specialisation
Digital skill level
Geographic scope - Country
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Industry - field of education and training
Security services not further defined
Geographical sphere
National initiative
Type of funding
Start date
End date