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Good Practices

About the project

The project is implemented in primary schools across Slovenia and targets girls aged 10-14, offering the opportunity to learn, free of charge, the basis of programming and logical thinking. The aim of the project is to increase girls’ interest in technology and STEM occupations and to raise the level of digital literacy among them.

The Girls_Do_Code course brings girls to know:

  • general computer literacy;
  • basic programming concepts,
  • problem solving methods;
  • programme at least 20 of their own projects,
  • safe use of the Internet

Digital School d.o.o., the project organiser and coordinator, educates teachers and external contractors certified by Microsoft Innovative Teacher (MIE), offers a comprehensive curriculum, software, education, mentoring and assistance at every step. Certified teachers, assisted by a school coordinator, provide education for girls during the school year under their mentoring and curriculum at the selected school.

In addition, the project also provides practice and sharing of experience within the community. Every year, a visit to the company is organised in a local context and a final presentation of the projects to parents and teachers is organised. This allows girls to familiarise themselves with the real world and learn how their skills can benefit from industry.

Why is Girls_Do_Code a good practice?

The Girls_Do_Code project provides a comprehensive approach to girls’ education in technology and programming, promotes gender equality in the ICT sector and eliminates prejudices about STEM women. Since the launch of the project in 2019 and to date, more than 1900 girls have successfully completed the programme.


Good practice details

Target audience
Digital skills for all
Digital technology / specialisation
Digital skill level
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Generic programmes and qualifications not further defined
Geographical sphere
National initiative
Type of funding