“My Latvija.lv! Do Digitally!”

The programme “My Latvija.lv! Do Digitally!" was launched in 2018 by Latvian government in order to encourage society, including businesses, to use government e-services and to ensure that maximum wide population is informed about online services offered by the government.
It focuses on the development of “Digital friendly” visual identity, extensive information events at national and regional levels, as well as training of 6.000 national and local Digital Agents: librarians, teachers, civil servants, NGO representatives, and media representatives to provide them with better knowledge of e-government solutions so they can further encourage/change habits of their clients, who are used to receiving on-site services, to try their services digitally. In order to promote a better understanding of digital solutions, life event descriptions (e.g. Starting a business, Doing a business, Completing a business etc.) were also developed, including video tutorials for the implementation of e-services.
Digital agents are ready to provide advice and help with the use of e-services and various digital tools (e-ID card, e-signature, e-address) so that everyone, regardless of digital skills, is able to receive the services they need electronically. Digital agents also recommend to the public administration ways to improve better communication with citizens. Anyone can find the closest digital agent and reach out for their advice via the Digital Agents Map.
The programme implemented also the complete and integrated awareness raising, marketing and public relations activities. It involved communication about more than 800 e-services and the cooperation of over 30 government institutions. The main beneficiaries of the program are citizens and entrepreneurs.
Resources allocated
The programme was co-funded by ERDF projects. Total funding 1 840 000, 00 EURO + VAT (50% for training activities, 40% for communication activities and evaluation of project indicators, 10% reserve (unplanned expanses, crisis communication).
Evidence of success
- 6.000 Digital Agents trained: including 1.444 librarians, 1.521 teachers, more than 2.603 state and local government employees, 376 court staff, 40 different non-governmental organisations and 16 journalists. State and government institutions involved include the Courts Administration, the State Employment Agency, the State Revenue Service and the Office for Citizenship and Migration Affairs as the most represented digital agents.
- 50 Life situation descriptions for different public services, together with 55 video tutorials.
- 6 Integrated nationwide communications campaigns (and 3 specifically for businesses).
- 66 events organised (2 national forums, 12 events in regions, 20 events with partners, and others, with 8 directly designed for SMEs) – more than 1.500 visitors and active participation of SMEs in all events.
- Over 200 training materials and more than 1.700 publications in media.