Online digital maturity assessment of EDIHs
The Digital Maturity Assessment tool is designed for entrepreneurs seeking support from the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) to implement their enterprise’s existing or planned processes. Its purpose is to evaluate a company's digital maturity and offer assistance to businesses undergoing digital transformation in their processes or organizations. It also extends support to public authorities requiring digital transformation in their operations.
The assessment tool has been publicly available since 2023. As of July 1st, 669 Latvian companies have created profiles and completed the assessment. Out of these, 657 applications for digitization activity support were approved.
The assessment consists of 3 parts:
- Module 1 – Client profile (client data): In this section, the enterprise is required to provide general basic information as per EDIH’s policy. This includes details such as the number of employees, year of establishment, sector of activity, etc. This data is essential for analysing your company's digital maturity level in comparison to other companies within the same sector, size category (ranging from small to large enterprises), and region or country. Additionally, electronically signed documents necessary for the specific support in question must be attached.
- Module 2 – Assessment Part A: This section aims to evaluate your company's digital maturity. The information provided will help outline the initial stage of your company’s digital transition pathway by identifying areas where EDIH support might be required. It will also assist in understanding the relevant services offered by EDIHs to your business and clarify EU policies and funding instruments supporting EDIH. The assessment will cover six dimensions, each evaluated on a scale from 0 to 100, and each question within these dimensions will be rated on a scale from 0 to 10:
- Digital strategy and business module
- Digital readiness
- Data and Connectedness
- Intelligence and Automation
- Green Digitalization
- Human-centric digitalization
- Module Three – Assessment Part B: This tranche is designed to provide LIAA support of up to EUR 5000 for the digitization of the company’s business processes. Small and micro enterprises are eligible to apply for this support. Operators active in non-assisted sectors are not eligible for aid. Test questions have been developed based on 9 business processes.
Based on the results of the company test in each business process, the aid applicant is directed to a catalogue of standardized digital solutions. The potential solution is then selected through a feasibility study of the market from the catalogue or other market solutions.
The catalogue offers solutions for the digitalization of the following organisational processes:
- Administrative processes– finance and accounting, administration, document management, project management, collaboration, system compatibility.
- Sales processes– customer tracking, transaction management automation, transaction tracking, e-commerce, digital marketing, retail digital solutions, CRM.
- Personnel management processes: human resource management, timekeeping, delegation of work, personnel involvement, evaluation and motivation.
- Resource management processes– data security, data storage, communication infrastructure.
- Data management processes – data security and storage, communication infrastructure.
- Transport and logistics processes – Internet of Things, smart mobility solutions, perception systems, traffic monitoring.
- Production and quality control processes: manufacturing and business process management and automation, quality control systems, data synchronization, data analytics.
- Operational management processes – business management, business and big data analytics, solutions for control decision-making, data automation, synchronization.
- Strategic management – a strategy for the development of digitalization (processes and products) and innovation.
In order to be able to participate in the assessment the company must register.
The European Digital Innovation Hubs are part of the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union of 2022. They aim to promote digital transformation, i.e. the uptake of digital technologies by businesses, public administrations, as well as to improve citizens’ advanced digital skills. Similar centers will operate in all EU Member States, Latvia will also be included in the overall European digital technology ecosystem. This will allow for the transfer of experience and knowledge from other countries, as well as sharing their competences.
*Developed within the project 'EDIH: Support for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence Development in Latvia/Development of AI – ICT for Manufacturing EDIH in Latvia' (EDIHLV) (No. and No. 101083983)