
About the project is an initiative implemented by the European Union under the Digital Europe Programme (DEP). The aim of the initiative is to help children and young people, parents and teachers, in particular, to use digital media safely and responsibly.
Why is this a good practice deals with issues such as the use of cyberbullying, age-appropriate digital games for children, safe and responsible use of mobile and internet, the use of social networks, data protection on the internet, information literacy, self-representation on social media, competent handling of problematic content, infringement of copyright, risks of viruses, spam and co, and ways to protect themselves from it. An important resource of is the detailed privacy guides for social media., together with telephone help for children, young people and their caregivers,‘147 advice on wire’, and together with ‘stopline’(the hotline against child pornography and Nazi reactivation), form the Safer Internet Centre Austria, which is an Austrian partner in the EU Safer Internet Network (Insafe). is coordinated by the Austrian Institute for Applied Telecommunications (ÖIAT). The Association of Internet Service Providers Austria (ISPA) is a cooperation partner.
The initiative is financed by the European Union (Digital Europe (DEP)), the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, the Federal Chancellery, the Federal Ministry of Finance, A1, Facebook and Huawei.
Reports on the activities, offers and achievements are available here