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Development of the e-CF User Tool

Development of the e-CF User Tool

End date 01/07/2022


The European e-Competence Framework (e-CF) is an EU standard that can be used by public and private companies as well as the education sector as a common language for describing digital competences of IT professionals. The accompanying ICT Profile tool brings the e-CF into practice by grouping its competences under specific ICT roles. The e-CF 4.0 was published at the end of 2019, but the standard is still not widely known across Europe. We see its potential to be adopted broadly and to facilitate digital transformation, through the hiring and upskilling of new professionals as well as better communication between industry and education.  


pledge status- ecf

Our initiative

To increase the visibility and accessibility of this EU standard, we will create an e-CF user tool. This tool will allow the user to: 

  •  Browse the framework diagram to read the descriptors of each competency 
  •  Select roles to view the competency/levels that define them, as well as the role and competency descriptions  
  •  Create a custom user profile (a set of competencies and their levels) to be saved as a PDF to a personal device.  
  •  The tool will be developed from ITPE resources and it will be made available for everyone free of charge. Its purpose will be to raise awareness and facilitate the understanding of the e-CF. 

Pledge duration

Digital Skills in Education
Transforming teaching and learning of digital skills in a lifelong learning perspective, including the training of teachers.
Digital Skills for Labour Force
Developing digital skills for the digital economy, e.g. upskilling and deskilling workers, job seekes; actions on career advice and guidance.
Digital Skills for ICT Professionals
Interactive e-CF-user tool
Initative name
Interactive e-CF-user tool
Awareness Raising
Initiative status
Initiative status
Digital Skills for All Citizens
Developing digital skills to enable all citizens to be active in our digital society.