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uCV: one website for each job seeker

uCV: one website for each job seeker

End date 01/05/2022


Corsidia is an Italian platform that aggregates educational opportunities offered by more than a thousand selected Training Centers in Italy. Roughly half of these courses are aimed at unemployed people and financed by regional training funds. For this reason, approximately 70% of Corsidia’s visitors are unemployed people looking for professional training in order to find a job. In the journey from unemployed, to trained employable, to hired, Corsidia aims at helping at each step.


Corsidia pledge status

Our initiative

In order to help with the last step, we launched uCV (formerly "PubliCV"). uCV is a platform that allows each job seeker to create their digital curriculumvitae, in order to make themselves easily and directly findable by the companies looking for candidates like them, through an AI matching system. Since uCV transforms the classic curriculum vitae into a digital asset, fully owned by the job seeker, in the form of a website, companies can now look for candidates to hire through any search engine, including the dedicated one available from the uCV homepage. 

By allowing job seekers to create their unique curriculum vitae that is both digital and published online, the jobseeking process is optimized by cutting the middlemen out and by empowering the jobseeker with the training needed to acquire the basic digital skills needed to manage their own online presence. * Hence the name of the platform:

 "uCV", as is in "unique CV".

Pledge duration

Digital Skills in Education
Transforming teaching and learning of digital skills in a lifelong learning perspective, including the training of teachers.
Digital Skills for Labour Force
uCV: one website for each job seeker.
Initative name
uCV: one website for each job seeker.
Facilitating Employment
Initiative status
Initiative status
Digital Skills for ICT Professionals
Developing high level digital skills for ICT professionals in all industry sectors.
Digital Skills for All Citizens
Developing digital skills to enable all citizens to be active in our digital society.