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This report, produced by Swedish IT&Telecom Industries - a Swedish industry and employer organisation for all companies in the tech sector, aims to provide decision-makers, the media, young people, and adults close to young people, such as teachers and study and guidance counsellors, with a clear picture of the need for cutting-edge expertise linked to digitalisation, but also a glimpse into a dynamic sector with great future potential.

The main findings of the study show that the comprehensive digitalisation taking place both in Sweden and globally has made the tech sector one of the main engines for employment and economic growth – 6 of 10 new jobs created in Sweden between 2010 and 2016 were jobs in this sector. The biggest obstacle to the continuing growth of the sector is the lack of cutting-edge expertise in IT, telecom, and other forms of digitalisation.

A deficit in the range of 70,000 people needed in the tech sector by 2024 70,000 people by 2024 is feared if no special measures are taken. The shortfall is found in most areas of competence but, in terms of the number of people working in them, various forms of programming, like back-end, front-end, and DevOps dominate. Groups that are fewer in number today, but where need is strongly growing, are data science and game development.

The publication includes recommendations and proposals for action for the parties who are responsible for ensuring competence provision in Sweden and who thereby play a crucial role in our future prospects and our continued competitiveness and welfare

Skills intelligence publication details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
Digital skill level
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) not further defined
Geographical sphere
National initiative
Publication type