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An online self-assessment tool is now available to General Practitioners (GPs) in the Netherlands as part of the Dutch Digivaardig in de Zorg project - an online hub with resources for doctors and healthcare professionals interested in upgrading their digital skills. 

Thanks to the tool, GPs throughout the Netherlands have the opportunity to anonymously test their digital skills and choose the best path to improved treatment options. 

About this resource

The self-assessment tool is free of charge, in Dutch, and offers an easy way for GPs to assess their digital skills, identify areas for improvements, and ultimately - enhance the level of care they provide to their patients by integrating digital technologies within various processes to make them more efficient. 

How it works

The 'self-scan' helps to paint a picture of the skills an employee working in a general practice may need in order to perform basic digital work in the most efficient way possible. Rather than getting the highest score, the idea behind the tool is for GPs to get an overview of the digital skills they should develop further to provide better care. 

Answers are fully confidential. Once participants answer all questions displayed by the self-assessment tool, they receive feedback and tips on areas for improvement, as well as strong points. They will also learn how to work with digital technologies every day better - and how to fully transform some processes to save time and resources. 

Digital skills resource details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital technology / specialisation
Digital skill level
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Medical diagnostic and treatment technology
Target language
Geographical sphere
National initiative

Loosely based on the EU DigComp framework as well as commonly-recognised national qualification frameworks in the Netherlands. 

Skills resource type
Self-Assessment Tool