
Workshop4Me is an initiative introducing children to innovative courses on coding, robotics, artificial intelligence to become problem solvers.
Workshop4Me's backstory
This initiative was founded by Madhumalti Sharma, who wanted to share the joy of coding with her children, who enjoyed playing online games and consuming technology. Finding no online resources to give them those skills, Madhumalti decided to equip them with the skills to create their own game, rather than being a passive consumer. Launched in 2012 in Luxembourg, Workshop4Me’s informal, playful, and flexible learning environment was an immediate success. The initiative’s success led the Government of Luxembourg to introduce coding into schools from 2020 onwards.
Why this resource?
Workshop4Me has a unique approach in helping children learn about coding:
- Kid-Friendly Coaches: Workshop4Me believes that learning happens best when you can relate to your teacher, therefore all of coaches are iGen students themselves. Workshop4Me believes that teamwork and leadership skills go hand-in-hand, therefore all lessons take place in a calm and relaxed atmosphere, where the children are encouraged to interact with each other, to find solutions to their problems. Workshop4Me aims to nourish problem-solving skills and enable analytical thinking in every child.
- Self-paced learning: Students learn at their own pace and guided by the coaches, without thorough time restrictions imposed on them. This provides freedom and flexibility, which inspires students to take their learning in their own hands, and encourages independent learning.
- Project-based approach: Children are invited to express their creativity by creating their own story, animation, game, app. Challenges will be presented to push their learning boundaries. It is about learning the theory of concepts and knowing how they are applied by doing. The focus is on creating their story, animation, game or app, and thereby learning the theory and concepts that they need to know so they can use it. Children will not have a teacher going on and on about what is meant by a variable or loops but instead, will learn how to create a score in their game and therefore learn what a variable is. Similarly, if they would like the wheels of the car to turn round over and over and, they will learn loops.
In 2025, Workshop4Me is hosting a Coding and robotics in-person sessions for 6-16 year olds, which will explore the the basics of computer science concepts, ideating, building robots, creating stories, games, and apps using Scratch Jr, Scratch, MIT App Inventor, Python, and other tools. In addition to in-person classes for students, Workshop4Me offers classroom resources and teacher training courses. Workshop4Me also offers courses run in French.
Digital skills resource details
Training courses and education material