Available funding in Poland

Background information
Funding opportunities for upskilling and reskilling to support the digital competences of individuals and organizations are available in form of loans, grants and financial instruments. For the period 2021 – 2026 most of the activities in digital transformation are financed through Recovery and Resilience facility but also as activities in Horizon, Erasmus+, ESIF and EEA grant schemes. You may find more on the page of Polish Recovery and Resilience website.
Recovery and resilience facility
Poland recovery and resilience plan supports the digital transition by investing €420 million to digitalize public administration, including the digitization of invoicing and administrative procedures related to construction and spatial planning. In Poland, €2.6 billion will be allocated to the deployment of high-speed internet and 5G networks, improving the delivery of public services to businesses and citizens as well as the digitisation of public administration, while strengthening their resilience and cybersecurity.
Transformative reforms and investments of €443 million are foreseen to strengthen the State's cybersecurity capacity. €1.4 billion if planned for reforms in digitalisation of education and investments in digital infrastructure and equipment for schools, as well as in digital skills of teachers. With comprehensive strategy, constituting the basis for changes in the education system and defining the directions of digitalisation of the education system in the short and long term.
Cyfrowe technologie na co dzień (Everyday digital technologies) is important part of the national recovery plan with several activities for the whole society. Some of the examples of activities are: providing access to very fast internet in areas of white spots; optimization of the infrastructure of state services responsible for security; equipping schools/institutions with appropriate devices and ICT infrastructure; public e-services.
On the website Porta Funduszy Europejskich are published all calls for proposals with different EU funding opportunities. Also schedules of calls for proposals for individual programs from the new perspective 2021-2027 are available, for example Schedule of calls for applications for co-financing in the competition mode for the Digital Poland Program for 2023.
National Funding
Digital Poland Foundation is a non-profit foundation that brings together Polish and international companies located in Poland to tackle the challenges faced by the country and reap the benefits of the digital transformation and economy. Digital Poland has identified topics with significant economic implications, with a concentration on Artificial Intelligence (AI), FinTech, e-Health, blockchain, and cloud computing, among others. The foundation's conforming groups (led by corporations affiliated with the initiative) also support the development of training sessions and resources with the objective of facilitating the digital transition through the sustainable upskilling of the workforce and citizens. Some of their activities are:
- The "Artificial Intelligence for managers" is organized by the Digital Poland Foundation, in the form of a training cycle. The training, conducted twice a year, is intended for people holding managerial positions in medium and large enterprises, excluding IT and consulting companies.
- Digital innovation CEE is open innovation platform that connects innovators and startups with the largest corporations in the CEE region. The best place for hackathons, challenges and competitions.
Different funding options are also available on the Digital Skills and Jobs platform, you may find a listing for Poland on this link.