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Visual for the Digital Skills Overview - Available funding in Slovakia

Background information  

Funding opportunities for upskilling and reskilling to support the digital competences of individuals and organizations are available in form of loans, grants and financial instruments. For the period 2021 – 2026 most of the activities in digital transformation are financed through Recovery and Resilience facility but also as activities in Horizon, Erasmus+, ESIF and EEA grant schemes. You may find more on the page of the Slovakian National Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition and in the article on the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform. Additionally, there is funding opportunity available for both public and state universities in Slovakia, with a total allocation of EUR 53 million. The goal of this initiative is to enhance the quality and performance of universities. The Ministry of Education has announced a call for applications to support projects for the reconstruction and modernization of research, educational, accommodation, and other infrastructure of universities

Recovery and resilience facility

Digital transformation is one of the main components of the Slovakia’s Recovery and Resilience Plan. Measures in the plan contributing to the digital transition account for 21% (EUR 1.33 billion) exceeding the 20% target. Digitálne Slovensko (state in the mobile, cybersecurity, fast internet for everyone, digital economy’) is the main contributor to achieving the digital target, followed by digital investments in education, research & innovation, and sustainable transport. 

The plan for better services for citizens and businesses (e-government) supports the digital transition through reforms and investments that promote the digitalisation of the public administration, including education, healthcare, and the justice system. The plan seeks to improve services for citizens and businesses by implementing user-friendly e-government solutions with an investment of €177 million. Approximately €102 million will be invested in a network of digital innovation centres that will assist businesses in digitalizing their business processes and provide training in digital skills. In addition, investments will support the creation of a new supercomputer in Slovakia as well as participation in other cross-border EU initiatives. A budget of €187 million will be used to finance digital equipment, including for children from disadvantaged backgrounds, to enhance digital skills and create a new learning ecosystem, which will be bolstered by a necessary curriculum reform.

National Funding

The aim of the national project Digitálny žiak (Digital Pupil) is to increase the availability of digital devices towards target groups of pupils from socially disadvantaged backgrounds and to promote a more independent approach to education, as well as to master digital technology in preparation and in teaching, while creating conditions for the implementation of distance learning for all pupils. Actual information are available on the website of the project.

Website Plan obnovy is the main website for Slovakian Recovery and Resilience plan covering all reforms and investments' plans, realisation of measures, news, activities, open calls and other information. On the Vyzvy subpage is indicated preliminary schedule of calls, the approximate date of announcement and closing of the call and also direct link to the dedicated webpages where citizens may apply. For example, call for Digital voucher is announced for 2023 with additional information available on the Official page of public administration.

Program Slovensko among other activities will support an accessible labour market, quality and inclusive education, acquisition of skills for better adaptability and inclusion based on the needs of the labour market, active inclusion and support of available social services for disadvantaged and most dependent population groups, including marginalized Roma communities, family counselling, as well as support for social innovations and food and material aid for the most dependent persons. The total amount of resources from EU funds for the Slovakia Program is 12.594 billion, and more information are available on the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic website.

Different funding options are also available on the Digital Skills and Jobs platform, you may find a listing for Slovakia on this link.

Briefs details

Digital technology / specialisation
Geographic scope - Country
Geographical sphere
National initiative