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AMETIC, the voice of the digital industry in Spain, is convening the sixth edition of the ‘Digital Skills Awards Spain 2023’. Awards that identify, value and recognise the best projects and experiences in the field of developing enabling talent in digital skills for society, professionals, education, women and girls, inclusion and vocational training.

A total of six awards, with the possibility of a mention of honour for each category, will be awarded in a call addressed to schools, universities, media, businesses and public and private institutions, carrying out training projects related to the development of digital talent and training in digital skills; the categories are as follows:

  • Digital skills for all: development of digital skills to enable any citizen to actively participate in our digital society.
  • More and better trained ICT professionals: development of digital skills for the digital economy, such as upskilling and reskilling of workers, job seekers; career counselling and guidance, reskilling and high-level digital skills for ICT professionals.
  • Digital skills in education: transforming teaching and learning into digital skills from a lifelong learning perspective, including teacher training.
  • Digital skills for women and girls: development of digital skills among women and girls with the aim of closing the gender gap and fostering STEM vocations.
  • Digital skills for inclusion: contribution to labour inclusion through the promotion of technological training in groups at risk of exclusion.
  • Digital skills in vocational training: boosting the role of vocational training in the digital transformation process of the economy.

The winners will be showcased at the 6th Forum of the Digital Talent Development Alliance, a first-level event taking place on 26 October in Madrid. It will include leading sector rapporteurs, top sectoral leaders, both business, political and administrative, as well as business schools and universities to discuss the Digital Talent.

Requirements and deadlines for participation

In order to participate, organisations must have a registered office in Spain, which may submit a project for each category, and the initiatives must have taken place in the 12 months preceding the date of the call (May 2023). Applications are open from 17 May to 22 September.

After that date, the projects will be evaluated to select the finalists and the winners will be announced on 17 October 2023. An independent jury, composed of experts in digital talent and skills, will identify the best projects and award awards on 26 October at the 6th Digital Talent Alliance Forum organised by AMETIC in Madrid.

The application form is available at this link.  As additional information to the application, the candidate may attach complementary multimedia material, such as explanatory videos, graphics, images, web pages... that complement the memory of the application submitted.

Digital Talent Development Alliance

With the aim of fostering a national ecosystem for the development and recognition of talent enabling digital transformation in Spain, AMETIC coordinates the Digital Talent Development Alliance. The aim is to promote, educate and train in the new digital skills demanded by ICT sector organisations and other sectors that are in the process of digitalisation, and in general Spanish society, under the new paradigm of digital transformation.

News details

Geographic scope - Country
Geographical sphere
National initiative