National progress at a glance: the digitalisation report for Austria

The latest digitalisation report was published by the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) for the 2021 reporting period. It demonstrates the achievements of cross-government cooperation and a strategic and planning approach to digitalisation policy based on the Digital Action Plan (DAA).
Key messages
The report illustrates Austria’s good position in international digital skills rankings (human capital) and Austria’s pioneering role in digital administrative services. With the Chief Digital Officer Task Force, Austria ensures that the Austrian federal administration designs the digital transformation in a coordinated manner. The Digital Dashboard is the contact point for all those who need up-to-date data on digitalisation and e-government in Austria. The Digitalisation Fund will enable relevant investments for even more and better digital services for citizens and the economy. Numerous lighthouse projects from all portfolios are clearly presented in the 2021 Digitalisation Report.
Special services for readers
The Digitalisation Report for Austria (2021) provides a comprehensive sensory experience, as it has been expanded occasionally with interactive VR elements that can easily be consumed with the smartphone. Interested parties can also read the report digitally or learn more about the lighthouse projects presented on an interactive Austrian map. This report is now also fully and accessible in English.
The next edition of the Digitalisation Report for Austria is already prepared. It was announced for 2023 and is expected to be publicly presented by the end of November.