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The Interactive Mapping Tool: Funding opportunities for audiovisual and news media offers information on funding opportunities for entities from both the audiovisual and the news media sectors. Its aim is to make access to financial support mechanisms of the European Union easier, and help professionals from these sectors identify the most suitable mechanism for support, amongst the numerous programmes and instruments available online. 

Launched in July 2021, the Interactive Mapping Tool covers a variety of funding schemes, going beyond the Creative Europe Programme, including Horizon Europe, InvestEU and others. This is the first practical guide, produced by the institutions with the aim of making information on EU support accessible to professionals across media sectors, so that these can be used to advance their activities and achieve targets. 

Once the tool is accessed, it will prompt several questions ranging from the type of activity the visitor represents, and the main needs in terms of which they are looking for support. The guide then highlight all EU funding opportunities relevant to the specific query and narrow it further down - to a detailed description of the most relevant instrument at hand. 

Opportunity Details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Audio-visual techniques and media production
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) not further defined
Geographical sphere
EU institutional initiative
Form of funding