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ALL DIGITAL ACADEMY: MOOCs for Adult Trainers on AI and IoT

The ALL DIGITAL ACADEMY (ADA) is organising two MOOCs to help adult educators and trainers learn more about emerging technologies. Through training and capacity building activities, the MOOCs aim to help participants to keep up with the digital transformation, focusing specifically on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT). 

About the ADA 

The ADA is a platform working to upskill adult educators working in the digital inclusion field, strengthen capacities of adult education organisations and promote transnational exchange and cooperation.

Objectives of the MOOCs: 

  • Equip participants with the basic understanding and skills on AI and IoT
  • Provide participants with the necessary knowledge to set up and deliver engaging awareness and learning experiences on AI and IoT for adult learners


The course estimates a total of 24 hours, including study time (2 hours per week for 12 weeks).

The courses and materials are self-administered. There are no simultaneous sessions, but online tutors are available for questions. The interface, content and tests are only available in English. 

This course is free and open to people with limited or no knowledge. Participants with an average score equal or above 60% will receive a certificate of successful course completion.

Dates of MOOC cycles 

The MOOCs are organised in three cycles. Participants can choose one of the three cycles to take part in:

  • 3 July – 25 September 2023 (12 weeks)
  • 9 October – 25 December 2023 (12 weeks)
  • 22 January – 26 February 2024 (6 weeks)


The MOOC on AI includes

  • Module 1. The History of AI
  • Module 2. Introduction to AI
  • Module 3. How AI Works
  • Module 4. Hands-On AI
  • Module 5. Applications of AI
  • Module 6. Ethics and Responsible AI

For more details click here

The MOOC on IoT includes:

  • Module 1. Introduction to IoT
  • Module 2. IoT fundamentals
  • Module 3. The “things” in IoT
  • Module 4. Interconnection and communication
  • Module 5. Computing architectures
  • Module 6. Hardware IoT platforms
  • Module 7. Software tools for IoT applications development
  • Module 8. From data to knowledge
  • Module 9. User interaction
  • Module 10. Security, privacy and ethics
  • Module 11. The business end of IoT
  • Module 12. Selected use cases

For more details, click here.

Training Offer Details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skill level
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Education not further defined
Target language
Geographical sphere
International initiative
Typology of training opportunties
Learning activity
self-motivated study
Assessment type
Training duration
Is this course free
Is the certificate / credential free
Training start date
Part time light
Credential offered
Self-paced course