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National Coalitions

The National Digital Coalition of Lithuania was established on 7 November 2013 in Vilnius following the European Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition. The memorandum of the National Digital Coalition for the promotion of Digital Skills for Jobs (Nacionalinė skaitmeninė koalicija in Lithuanian) was signed in Vilnius. The Coalition was launched to address high unemployment rate in particular for younger people, respond to the growing demand for professionals in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector, and raise awareness amongst the general population when it comes to ICT skills. 

A number of institutions, companies, and organisations from the public and private sector came together in the formation of the National Digital Coalition for the Promotion of Digital Skills for Jobs in Lithuania, joining efforts to increase employment rates, achieve a more effective use of digital potential, and cooperate in implementing National Digitisation Development Programme 2021-2030 as well as Lithuania’s Progress Strategy “Lithuania 2030”.

National coalition details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
Digital skills in education.
Digital skills for all
Geographic scope - Country
Target language
NC priorities

  • To empower and encourage LT citizens to develop and continuously improve digital skills through LLL.
  • To attract more young people to ICT and scientific studies and professions, promote the involvement of girls in digital careers.
  • To continuously improve general and higher education and vocational training programmes according to labour market requirements and needs.
  • To ensure that ICT professionals are trained and equipped with the latest skills relevant for the ICT sector. 
  • To include ICT training into the system of non-formal youth education.
  • To raise public awareness of the importance of digital skills and security online.
NC partners

Association LANGAS Į ATEITĮ, the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, the association INFOBALT (representing the national ICT sector), Vilnius UniversityKaunas University of Technology, the National Association of Distance Education, the Lithuanian Computer Society and ECDL Lithuania, Lithuanian Municipal Public Library Association,  Lithuanian Computer Science Teachers Association (LInMA), as well as other partners representing  government bodies, universities, associations, training centres, other organizations involved in adult education.