Cyber Security Quiz Austria

The Cyber Security Quiz is a free learning tool that enables people to learn playfully and interactively how to protect themselves from fraud or attacks on the internet. The quiz is available as a desktop application and as a mobile app for Android and iOS and can be played anywhere at any time.
The topics of the quiz include technical threats such as different forms of malware and ransomware, as well as updates and recommended backup solutions (also for mobile devices). Protection from fraud (phishing, subscription traps, fake online shops, CEO fraud etc.) is also discussed and various solutions for data protection are presented, including practical aspects like how to set good passwords, how to shape reputation on the internet and how to make suitable privacy settings. Cyberbullying and hate speech on the internet are also the focus of a special quiz module. In addition, basic information on copyright and creative commons are presented.
Special quiz modules are dedicated to specific situations such as teleworking from home (this topic covers framework conditions, data storage and data encryption as well as secure WLAN connection and suitable forms of internal communication), internet safety for children (including technical forms of child protection, computer games, and the problem of online addiction) and also online shopping (including methods of payment, buying medicine online and identifying advertisements).
The quiz is aimed at citizens who are interested in the topic “security on the internet” and anyone interested in improving their digital skills.
In addition to the learning content, users have the opportunity to practice what they learned and compete in a quiz duel against other users. The questions in the quiz are based on the Digital Competence Framework for Austria — DigComp 2.2 AT.
The contents "Smartphone", "Keeping children safe online", "Online shopping", "Copyright" and "Home-Office" were recently added with the financial support of the Chamber of Labour of Lower Austria.
By March 2022, the app had already over 6.000 registered users. With a view to further sustainable use, the app was submitted for the "Lernapp" quality label. Various dissemination activities via the press, radio and television were implemented around Safer Internet Day in February 2022.
Types of use of the quiz
In the first step, the learning contents of the Cyber Security Quiz are developed in the library. The knowledge is conveyed using an introduction and concrete scenarios.
Afterwards, the acquired knowledge can be practiced by answering quiz questions. For this purpose, ten questions are asked, which are randomly selected from a diverse pool of questions. Incorrectly answered questions are asked again with repeated practice until they have been answered correctly three times.
After working through the learning content and answering the practice questions, the newfound knowledge is trained playfully. It can be played in the form of a quiz duel against other users.
The contents of the Cyber Security Quiz are made available to the public under the license “CC BY-NC 3.0 AT”. More information can be found on the website of ovos media GmbH.
The Cyber Security Quiz was awarded the eAward in the category “Education and Human Resources Development” in October 2021.
In addition, fit4internet was awarded the prestigious Human Resources Management Award 2020 in Germany for its integrated skills training measures "secCHECK empowers female employees", which also includes the Cyber Security Quiz.
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