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A central problem in planning skills policy for any emerging technology are that (a) little is known of the type of jobs across which the skills are being demanded, (b) the jobs related to the technology have not been linked to the formal occupational framework that is used for forecasting purposes, and (c) the occupational distribution of the skill area is likely to become quickly outdated as the emerging technology is adopted across an expanding range of sectors and business operations.

In response to these challenges, this report outlines a unique methodological framework that estimates the current demand for blockchain skills by using data scraping technologies. The report locates blockchain related jobs within the occupational classification framework and produce forecasts for both total blockchain professionals and newly qualified blockchain graduates for the 2020 to 2026 period. The study also uses data from Eurostat and a survey of CHAISE partners to estimate the supply of both ICT and blockchain specific graduates for each country for the period.

The resulting forecasts will enable the EU, and individual member states, to assess the extent to which labour market imbalances are likely to occur in the short-term that could inhibit the development of the blockchain sector.


The skills forecasting model used to create the report is available here 

Skills intelligence publication details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
Digital technology / specialisation
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Generic programmes and qualifications not further defined
Geographical sphere
International initiative
Publication type