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Blockchain is at the core of the EU strategy to advance digital transformation, benefitting society and businesses and stimulating sustainable growth. The European Blockchain Sector is well placed to acquire global leadership; still, its competitiveness largely relies on the availability of a competent and versatile workforce. Whereas the demand for blockchain skills is steadily increasing, employers face a shortfall of skilled professionals that prevents the sector from unleashing its full potential. 

This study focuses on the current Blockchain labour market characteristics, sheds light on the existing blockchain ecosystem and introduces a country-level analysis. It has been issued within CHAISE - the EU-funded initiative that aims to set forward a sectoral approach to Blockchain Skills Development.

The findings of the paper suggest that the blockchain sector is challenged by talent shortage. Although the demand for blockchain skills is steadily increasing, employers are facing a shortfall of skilled professionals. The main reasons for this situation are the limited connection between education and the market and the low responsiveness of formal education to new workplace requirements

This study has been developed based on the desk and database research of 14 countries (CHAISE project partners) complemented by interviews with experts and publicly available sources.

Skills intelligence publication details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
Digital technology / specialisation
Digital skill level
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) not further defined
Geographical sphere
International initiative
Publication type