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CoursesOnline's Course Navigator is an online tool, which helps people find relevant courses, training offers and educational programmes on bachelor's, master's and higher level.

It is free of charge to access and easy to use (although each course does have an individual cost) - learners have to answer a few questions, such as what type of study they are interested in, what their current background is, as well as personal preferences related to country, format of education and others. Once the questionnaire is completed, the tool generates a personalised report with a list of training providers and institutions, which offer programmes closely linked to the user's selection. There are 4 profiles that the tool supports: career change, upskill (people interested in gaining new skills to advance in their current roles), return to work, and hobby.  

The tool is useful not only for starting education now, but also for those thinking about IT training in the future, as it also gives the option of displaying only results in the near or more distant future. Additional preferences users can tick include: whether the opportunity is free of charge, desired weekly time commitment, etc. 

Digital skills resource details

Target audience
Digital skills in education.
Digital technology / specialisation
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Generic programmes and qualifications not further defined
Education not further defined
Target language
Geographical sphere
International initiative

An online tool, modifiable via a set of filters, which displays relevant training offers and educational programmes by providers in Australia, the United Kingdom, the European Union and others. 

Skills resource type
Other training material