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The ‘Digital Skills Austria’ strategy will lead to the implementation of 3500 basic digital skills workshops and a comprehensive and uniform competence framework for digital skills. This was decided by the Council of Ministers on 5 July 2023.

The programme will target basic digital skills for all Austrians by 2030. This creates the ground for making good use of the opportunities offered by digitalisation. The strategy was presented at the Digital Skills Summit of Federal Minister Magnus Brunner and Secretary of State Florian Tursky on 13 June 2023, together with prominent experts.

Workshops will take place in all municipalities. In addition, the Federal Government has agreed to implement the DigComp 2.3 AT competence framework in Austria as a framework model. It aims to make digital skills measurable and comparable.

“With the digital skills package, we are joining forces, putting them on a common basis and providing targeted impetus for more digital skills across Austria. The measures put in place range from basic digital skills for the wider population to top digital skills for the economy,"  - said the Minister for Finance Magnus Brunner, responsible for digitalisation.

As Florian Tursky, State Secretary for Digitalisation, said: 

“With the Digital Skills Skills Package, we are providing strong impetus and incentives for the whole population to stay digitally fit or fit. To this end, we will organise around 3500 workshops in all Austrian municipalities. This will benefit the whole of Austria – this will keep the location and its competitiveness sustainable and will ensure our long-term prosperity"

News details

Digital technology / specialisation
Digital skill level
Geographic scope - Country
Geographical sphere
National initiative