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MAI4CAREU - MSc in Artificial Intelligence

a robotic hand touches a virtual screen, and the title MAI4CAREU Masters

The University of Cyprus’ Master Programme in Artificial Intelligence will train students in the latest AI developments and applications. The aim is to deliver a modern programme, containing a strong interdisciplinary element as required by modern human-centric, explainable, and responsible artificial intelligence.

The compulsory programme includes courses on artificial intelligence and ethics, as well as on artificial intelligence and entrepreneurship, and AI on the edge webinars. Providing career counselling to students is a high priority, with the objective of helping all graduates to successfully pursue an AI-related career, possibly set up their own start-ups. This new generation of AI graduates must be fully familiar with the latest technological developments in terms of the breadth and depth of technical knowledge in AI, be connected to industry and be fully aware of the ethical issues involved.

Harnessing the significant prospects of AI for the well-being of humanity is the underlying principle for developing systems that exhibit “intelligent” and “ethical” behaviour, whether these augment human decision making, or are fully autonomous systems.  

The MAI4CAREU project

The Master is one of 4 that have been created within the MAI4CAREU project (Master Programmes in Artificial Intelligence 4 Careers in Europe), funded by the CEF: the programme’s collaboration network includes the University of Cyprus, the University of Bologna, the Technical University of Dresden and the University of Ruse Angel Kanchev in Bulgaria, plus the CYENS Centre of Excellence in Cyprus and four high-tech SMEs (Nodes & Links Labs, 3AeHealth LTD, INJENIA SRL and MLPS AD).  An important added value of this programme is precisely this network of collaborating partners, which will provide students with the opportunity to participate in an AI Camp, teaming with students from the other universities, pursuing an industrial internship or even being hosted on online courses of the other universities.

Who can apply

Eligible candidates must have:

  • A Bachelor’s degree in pure/applied sciences (computer science, informatics, mathematics, etc.)  or engineering (e.g., computer engineering, biomedical engineering) or cognitive science. If the qualification is not available at the time of the application, it must be presented before the beginning of the programme in September.
  • Reasonable exposure to AI background topics gained through previous studies or work experience, as well as knowledge of computer programming.
  • Fluency in the English language as testified through examination results and/or certificates.

    Training Offer Details

    Target audience
    Digital skills for the labour force.
    Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
    Digital technology / specialisation
    Digital skill level
    Geographic scope - Country
    Industry - field of education and training
    Information and communication technologies not elsewhere classified
    Target language
    Geographical sphere
    International initiative
    Typology of training opportunties
    Learning activity
    educational programme
    Assessment type
    Training duration
    Is this course free
    Is the certificate / credential free
    Training start date
    Full time
    Credential offered
    Qualification Award
    Self-paced course