In recent years, digital transformation has had an immense impact on how we consume information and learn. From day-to-day school and university classes rapidly moved to online spaces because of COVID-19, to online learning courses multiplying across numerous platforms. This makes two things very clear. Firstly, knowledge on the topics of your interest is now more accessible than ever before. Secondly, you will surely need digital skills to gain it. Luckily, the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform is here to help.
Among all platform resources, you might consider the Platform’s training catalogue particularly handy. Thanks to a wide variety of training opportunities gathered in one place, you can easily find a fitting learning course that will not only boost your digital skills and technical knowledge but will also make you stand out to the recruiters when applying for your first job.
Where else can you look for relevant information? Keep up with the latest news, read expert opinions, and attend events exploring the digital world from different perspectives. Don’t forget to join the Platform's Community to dive deep into your favourite topics and discuss them with your peers and experts.
Are you preparing to kick-start your career? Read our Career section to get inspired on how you can find job opportunities, improve your employability, and enhance your professional growth in the future.