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The e-Government Forum, Digital Health Care and DPO Privatisation Security World conferences


On Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 November 2023, TEAMWORKS | METATEAM organises in the Divani Caravel Hotel in person, but also in digital format, three conferences:

  • The 13th e-Government Forum
  • The 13th Digital Health Care Conference
  • The 9th conference “DPO COMP ICT SECURITY WORLD”

At the same time as the physical organisation, TEAMWORKS | METATEAM will support the digital broadcasting of the three Conferences at the Pythagoras Exhibition and Conference Centre across Greece, Cyprus and abroad, as it has gained the trust of more than 80.000 unique partners (official Google Analytics), which attended its conferences digitally during the years of the pandemic.

The strategy and reasons for the joint conduct of the three events HTeamworks has opted for the joint organisation of the three e-Government Forum, Digital Health Care and DPO Private-Security World, as it considers that these sectors, although distinct and distinct, should be accompanied by conferences on integrated physical communication between government actors, public sector executives and operators, performing ICT companies, which will also have the possibility of contacts through the exhibition organised at the conference venue.

The thirteenth edition of the annual ‘e-Government Forum’ conference, which will be held together with the Digital Health Care and DPO Privatisation Security World, is taking place at a crucial time for the development of e-government in the public sector, which is characterised by the need to speed up the enforcement of ICT projects, speed up their implementation and improve procedures in the overall picture of the digital governance area.

Along with the physical organisation at the Pythagoras Exhibition and Conference Centre, Teamworks will support the digital broadcasting of the three Conferences across Greece, Cyprus and abroad, as it has gained the trust of more than 80.000 unique partners (official Google Analytics), who attended its conferences digitally during the years of the pandemic.

The e-government Forum – themes:
The 13th e-Government Forum, held on 28 and 29 November, is the only conference organised under the main agendas: the recording of technologies, Trends, Implementation of Projects and Services in the field of e-Government in the Public Sector. Senior officials and members of the IT and Digital Communications Directorates participate.

An independent organisation in the e-Government Forum is the Digital Health Care conference held on 28 November and its focus on Digital Health and Social Security Systems.

Digital Health Care – topics:
The Digital Health Care Conference has been organised since 2000 as an autonomous conference unit in the Greek ICT Forum and e-Government Forum. Its focus is on the e-Health Strategy, the overall use of Digital Technologies in Health, the widening of the use of IT systems in hospital unit administration and the implementation of IT and digital communication projects.

The thematic sections will discuss issues related to: Successful implementation of systems and digital services in public and private hospitals, cutting-edge technologies that change the conventional way of administration and utilisation of health services. Government Strategy in the field of Digital Health Systems.
The organisers’ main aim is to bring together and exchange views between government, service, university and health specialists, as well as business managers, in a dialogue aimed at analysing methodologies and procedures for the use of Information and Digital Communication Technologies.

DPO COMP ICT Security World – topics:
The 9th Digital Security Congress “DPO PrivICT SECURITY WORLD”is organised on 29 November and focuses on the new technological perspectives opened up by the increased uptake of digital infrastructure by businesses and operators in cloud, 5G, Youth Networks, mobile applications and public communication platforms.

At the conference of major technocrats, universities, private, banking, business and public sector staff, they will present and develop the technological and operational framework for protecting against cyber threats and will report in detail on the strategic and operational orientations, as well as on the specific topics of the Cybersecurity Strategy, which applies to their areas of competence.

At the same time, it will highlight the particular details that need to be taken up by digital transformation projects, which catalyse old processes and introduce new ones with predominant remote access to centralised IT systems, the need to make use of secure digital security services and the protection of sensitive personal data.

On the public side, government and institutional bodies have been invited to develop topics related to the Cybersecurity Strategy in the public and private sectors. Senior officials in the Information and Telecommunications Computing and Telecommunications Enterprises (ICT) market, bodies and organisations

They also participate in: Managerial staff of the IT departments of major businesses and the banking and public sector.



Event Details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
Digital skills for all
Digital technology / specialisation
Digital skill level
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Generic programmes and qualifications not elsewhere classified
Target language
Geographical sphere
International initiative
Event organizer
Event setting