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Slovakia ranks nineteenth in the EU's Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) for human capital. While 55% possess basic digital skills, advanced digital skills are limited to 21%. Businesses provide minimal ICT training, and the percentage of ICT specialists and women in the field is slightly below the EU average. 

Slovakia's 2030 Strategy for Digital Transformation focuses on modernizing the economy, improving digital experiences, and enhancing public administration services. The National Digital Skills Strategy prioritizes ICT specialists, digital skills in education and the labour market, gender diversity in ICT, and addressing the digital divide. 

The Action Plan for Digital Transformation supports digitalization in the economy, digital infrastructure development, AI promotion, and building a resilient society. The Recovery and Resilience Plan emphasizes digital transition measures, exceeding the 20% target. Reforms cover eGovernment, connectivity, education, research, innovation, and digital skills. 

The IT Fitness Test prepares students for further education and practical IT skills. The Digitalna koalicia collaborates with the Unity of Pensioners to improve digital skills among seniors and disadvantaged groups. Slovakia is committed to digital transformation, focusing on education, skills, infrastructure, and inclusivity to drive economic growth and thrive in the digital era

Score in DESI Report Human Capital
EU average score: 48.45
Slovakia score: 44.1
48.45 EU average score
44.1 Country score
20 35

Slovakia ranks 19th in Human Capital out of 27 EU Member States in the 2022 edition of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), with a score of 44.1.

The latest trends in digital skills in Slovakia