EIT Digital Summer School AI4Green Business Lab

About the programme
This AI4Green Summer School programme is co-organised between UPM and Huawei. The focus will be on Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, business models, use cases and will include visits to different start-ups and organisations. Throughout this programme, participants will use the skills learned to solve a real-world problem that relates to the Green Deal goals. They will be free to choose their own challenge or work on proposed challenges. The programme will take place in Madrid, Spain.
The following topics will be covered in this one-week programme:
- Introduction to AI - a short history of AI
- Product realisation and Da Vinci architecture
- Full Stack Ascend AI software. Ascend computing language and Python Ascend computing language
- AI inference on Huawei System and colourful image colourisation and/or object detection
- AI training on Huawei systems and graph neural networks
- MindSpore Opensource AI framework overview and operating demo practice
- ModelArts: One-stop AI development platform introduction
- openEurler: a new way to link the IT world
The EIT Digital Summer School is open to young professionals as well as Master's or early PhD students who want to further explore artificial intelligence to solve problems related to the Green Deal goals.
Applications for this programme must be submitted by 1 June 2023.
About the EIT Digital Summer School
The EIT Digital Summer School offers a variety of programmes aimed at bachelor and master students, young professionals and individuals who want to dive into emerging digital technologies, learn how to turn technology into business and launch deep-tech startups. All educational backgrounds are welcome at the EIT Digital Summer School programmes.